dr Žarko Milošević, dipl. maš. inž. e-mail: Ova adresa el. pošte zaštićena je od spam napada, treba omogućiti JavaSkript da biste je videli Prostorija: D-61 |
Zvanje |
Istraživač saradnik |
Datum izbora |
09.07.2015. godine |
Projekti na kojima je angažovan |
Učešće na nacionalnim projektima Application of biomedical engineering for preclinical and clinical practice, III41007, financed by Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia, 2011-2014. Principal investigator - prof. dr Nenad Filipović. The institution coordinating the research - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac. Inovacioni projekat - Razvoj informacionog sistema za potrebe kateter laboratorije, 2010 Multiscale Methods and Their Application in Nanomedicine, ON174028, financed by Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia, 2011-2014. Principal investigator - prof. dr Miloš Kojić. The institution coordinating the research - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac. Učešće na međunarodnim projektima Tempus Joint European project UM-JEP-17119-2002: Education network Based on Information Technology, 2006. ARTreat, Multi-level patient-specific artery and atherogenesis model for outcome prediction, decision support treatment, and virtual hand-on training, ICT-FP7 – 224297, University of Kragujevac 01.09.2008. – 31.08.2011. SIFEM, Semantic Infostructure interlinking an open source Finite Element tool and libraries with a model repository for the multi-scale Modelling and 3d visualization of the inner-ear, FP7 – 600933, Bioengineering research and development center BIOIRC, Kragujevac, Serbia – 01.02.2013 – 31.01.2016 EMBalance, A Decision Support System incorporating a validated patient-specific, multi scale Balance Hypermodel towards early diagnostic Evaluation and efficient Management plan formulation of Balance Disorders, FP7-ICT-2013-5-2-610454, Bioengineering research and development center BIOIRC, Kragujevac, Serbia 2013 – 2016 |
CV: | Žarko Milošević - CV |